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When I’m Gone, I’ll Come Back as a Window, by Claudia Serea

Posted on November 27, 2019

And you won’t know it’s me.


At night, I’ll watch the moonlight

fall in love with the faucet.


I’ll listen to the mice in their corners

and to the house creaks, full of thoughts,


and to your sighs upstairs

when you lie awake in your bed.


Outside, the wind will move the


and I’ll rattle

when a branch pokes me

with an accusing finger.


And you won’t know it’s me,

but I’ll still be your Mom,


shield you from rain

and give your face

the perfect frame.


I’ll gather sunset in my panes

and throw a ray into your hair


when you’re done with the dishes

and lean close to me

to check out the street.



International Literary Magazine

Summer 2019